About Cruciform Theology

What is a cruciform theology?

It is a theology centered around the belief that God, revealed in Christ, is cruciform in nature and desires his people to embody this cruciformity.

If you are unfamiliar with words like “cruciform” or “cruciformity” – they are simply theological ways of referring to the ethical dimensions of a theology focused on the cross. Cruciform simply means “cross-shaped” and is often a short-hand way of speaking of a posture and lifestyle of self-sacrificial love.

Why might we believe that God is cruciform?
[1] The historical person and work of Jesus of Nazareth is the perfect revelation of God’s nature and character. (John 1:14-18, Hebrews 1:1-4, etc.)
[2] Jesus of Nazareth embodied a cruciform life. Jesus’ life, leading up to and resulting in his death, was one of self-sacricial love. He lived to patiently give of himself for others – a truth most clearly seen on the cross as he gave up his own life out of his love for humanity.
[3] Thus, if Jesus fully reveals God’s character, then God himself is not a God of brute power (like Zeus) but one of patient and self-sacrificial love. A God who loves his enemies. A God who overcomes all boundaries to bring his love to his creation.

Thus, a cruciform theology is a way of approaching theological issues and questions through the specific lens of a Trinitarian God full of self-sacrificial love, even for His enemies.

This blog will serve as a place for myself (and others) to write about the various ways that a cross-centered theology might intersect with biblical scholarship, politics, ethics, pop culture, and other academic disciplines. 

Some of the posts on Cruciform Theology will be more academic in nature and some will be aimed more at a popular level. You will also see interesting quotes or prayers shared and book reviews posted when I am graced with a review copy from a publisher.

Who am I?
My name is Mike Skinner and I am the Lead Pastor of First Colony Christian Church in Sugarland, Texas. I have served as the pastor there for almost seven years. I was educated at Houston Baptist University where I got my Bachelor’s Degree in a double-major of Christian Theology and Biblical Languages. I then went on to receive my Masters degree in Theological Studies and wrote my master’s thesis over Cyril of Alexandria’s exegesis and application of the Adam-Christ Typology in Romans 5:12-21. I have been an itinerant speaker at Christian events of all types for over 8 years and have five years of experience teaching High School Bible. I am currently an Adjunct Professor of Theology at Houston Baptist University. I’m pretty busy between the church and the university, but I enjoy spending my free time with my puppy, watching sports, and/or spending quality time with my lovely fiancé.

Occasionally there will be blogs from authors other than myself. Do not be surprised if you see a post from Chad Chambers, Jessica Parks, or Michelle Mikeska – the rest of the team from Cataclysmic. I am hoping they will continue to bless us with their wisdom and challenge us with their observations. There will also be occasional guests posts by friends and colleagues. If you are interested in writing a guest post for Cruciform Theology or you would just like to reach out with a question or comment, please contact me here: Contact.

I hope you enjoy the blog. I appreciate every “like” and every share on Twitter/Facebook/and other social media accounts.

Blessings to you in Christ.