32 (+5) Reasons Women Should Attend College via The Junia Project

So, there’s this article out there with 6 (+2) reasons not to send your daughters to college. Yes, this is for real…

The Junia Project, a new blog advocating for gender equality in the church, home, and world-at-large, posted a response with 32 (+5) Reasons Women Should Attend College.  You can also find the link to the original post here.

As a woman who has been attending college/grad school for a quarter of my life I am obviously in favor of women attending college.  (I’m also a Christian feminist and egalitarian so my position shouldn’t be a surprise.)  The Junia Project has pointed out several great reasons why college is a place for women which I would also affirm.  Though I recognize that the college experience for many has become more about the degree than the education (see original article), that has not been my experience.  College has taught me to be a critical thinker and to ask the hard questions.  It was when I started asking questions that I really began to learn.  Being in a classroom with others has also taught me that not everyone thinks like me (big surprise!) and that’s a good thing!  It has exposed me to many intelligent, influential Christian women, past and present, of whom I was not aware before I started college. (Side note: this is a problem that needs to be addressed in the Church [at least in my experience] in which you hear A LOT about ‘the old dead guys’ and nothing of the many women who were also formative in church history.)  I found my place in the classroom.  I found a way to love God with all of who I am through learning and leading others in the classroom.  I’m incredibly thankful for all the women who have gone before me and who have made it possible for me to be apart of the academic world.

Please, send your daughters to college! Or trade school! Or an apprenticeship!  Encourage them to learn something they didn’t know before that will help them whether they choose to stay home or to work outside the home… or both!  And again, please send your daughters to college – I want them in my classroom someday!

Be sure to check out the MANY reasons why women should attend college over at The Junia Project, which is ultimately a ‘Kingdom-of-God issue’.  The authors sum it up well:

These are Kingdom-of-God issues

Women are called—just as much as men are called—to participate in the restoration of the whole earth according to the gifts God has given them. Many women’s gifts are particularly suited for college campuses and workplaces. Without the opportunity to attend college, these women would falter, unsure of where to use their gifts. They might even feel pressured to bury their talents in the ground.

There was a time, before women had the vote in this country, when most colleges were not open to women. A time when married women were not allowed to own property. A time when it was legal to not hire a woman based on her sex and legal to pay her less for the same job based on her sex. There was also a time when marital rape was not a prosecutable offense. Let us not allow Fix the Family to cause us to wax nostalgic about those bygone days.

I’d love to say more on this topic, but I’ve got to finish reading and prepare to discuss the Desert Mothers for class tonight!  Perhaps there will be more to come?

What do you think?  If women are meant to work in the home, should they attend college?  Does the argument for ‘traditional’ gender roles assume college is only for men?  Would we think differently about gender roles and working in/out of the home if we placed a higher value on singleness in the church?  

3 thoughts on “32 (+5) Reasons Women Should Attend College via The Junia Project

  1. hey Jessica….so you don’t see Paul’s words in scripture on women’s position in the church inspired by God? Do you think that was just that culture and Pauls personal opinion? Not debating you, just trying to understand how you get past those breaths of God. thanks!! 🙂


    1. Hi Stan,

      Yes, I affirm that scripture is inspired. It would depend on which passage you are referring to as to how I would understand what Paul is saying… and some of it I am still working through. I am still hoping to do that series on women in scripture, but have not had much luck putting it together yet since classes have started and I’ve got papers to write. Hopefully soon… 🙂

      Whether complementarian or egalitarian, we all come to the text with presuppositions as well as letting some passages influence the way we read other passages of Scripture (some would say we all have our ‘canon within the canon’). For me, how I read Paul is primarily influenced by his affirmations about ‘new creation’ (Gal. 3:28, 2 Cor. 5:17, etc.) as well as the examples of women we see throughout Scripture (especially in the Gospels and in Romans 16). My underlying assumption (which I believe stems from Scripture) is that God has made women and men equal with full participation in the kingdom open to both sexes based on how the Holy Spirit gifts an individual, not on gender.

      Whereas a complementarian view has to deal with difficulties such as examples of female apostles, teachers, deacons (Junia [not a man!], Phoebe, Priscilla in Romans 16) and women teaching (1 Corinthians 11), egalitarians have to deal with the difficult texts like 1 Timothy 2:12-15 and 1 Corinthians 14:33b-35. I hope to address these texts when I get to work on the blog series as promised! 🙂

      Until I can post my own thoughts, a good place to start is:
      http://www.cbeinternational.org/?q=content/men-women-and-biblical-equality (Christians for Biblical Equality)

      http://www.pbpayne.com/ (Philip Payne is very thorough in his analysis of the Greek text)

      I. Howard Marshall also has an excellent commentary on the Pastoral Epistles which addresses the 1 Tim. 2 passage.

      Thanks for your questions!


      1. thanks!! we are all learning! I think we would all agree and believe that GOD has a certain order and purpose for all of us. As the Spirit leads….we go.


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